Malcolm Wardlaw

Associate Professor of Finance

University of Georgia

Terry School of Business

620 South Lumpkin Street

B332 Amos Hall

Athens GA 30602

United States

W: 706-204-9295



Research Interests

Corporate finance, banking and institutional capital, labor and finance


"Societal Inequality and Bank Deposit Dynamics: Evidence from the Freedman’s Savings Bank" (with Virginia Traweek)

Companion website: Freedman's Bank Research

"Racial Violence, Political Representation, and the threat to Banks as Open Access Institutions" (with Virginia Traweek)

"Count (and Count-Like) Data in Finance"* (with Jonathan Cohn and Zack Liu)

"Private equity buyouts and workplace safety" (with Jonathan Cohn and Nicole Nestoriak)

"Measuring Mutual Fund Flow Pressure as Shock to Stock Returns"

"Financing Constraints and Workplace Safety" (with Jonathan Cohn)

"The Costs of Closing Failed Banks: A Structural Estimation of Regulatory Incentives" (with Ari Kang and Richard Lowery)

Current Working Papers

"Complexity, Standardization, and the Design of Loan Agreements" (with Bernhard Ganglmair)

"Past is Prologue: Inference from the Cross Section of Returns Around an Event" (with Johnathan Cohn, Travis Johnson, and Zack Liu)

"Can a Platform-Pays Mechanism reduce Credit Ratings Bias?" (with Indraneel Chakraborty and Alessio Saretto)

"Complementarities in the Design of Corporate Bonds" (with Robert Kieschnick)

"Information, Competition, and Investment Sensitivity to Peer Stock Prices" (with Arzu Ozoguz and Michael J. Rebello)

 "Agency Costs, Information, and the Structure of Corporate Debt Covenants" (with Richard Lowery)

Short Papers

"Freedman’s Savings and Trust Bank Passbook and Dividend Repayment Records" (with Virginia Traweek)

Teaching Experience

Erdös Number

5 (M. Wardlaw → R. Lowery → J. Ledyard → R.McKelvey → C. Tovey → P. Erdős)

Additional Information

Dual Citizen, U.S. and United Kingdom